Factors that are Associated with the Development of Obesity in Children.docx OGBONNAYA AKPARA
CUNY Brooklyn College From the SelectedWorks of OGBONNAYA AKPARA Fall November 19, 2016 Factors that are Associated with the Development of Obesity in Children.docx OGBONNAYA AKPARA, CUNY Brooklyn College Available at: https://works.bepress.com/ogbonnaya-akpara/1/ Factors that are Associated with the Development of Obesity in Children Ogbonnaya N. Akpara Brooklyn College The objective of this paper is to discuss the definition, overview, prevalence, and the factors associated with the development of obesity in children. Childhood obesity has hazardous factors such as depression, lack of self-esteem, body unhappiness and eating disorder symptoms that is controlled by elements such as age, gender, family characteristics such as parenting lifestyle, and environmental factors such as school policies and demographics. Obesity in children is a health condition that affects many low and middle income communities, especially in urban places. Reducing the epidemic of obesity in ...