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Showing posts from December, 2018
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Publications 1) Detection of GAPDH in Pancreatic Cancer Cells by Ogbonnaya Akpara 2) Factors that are associated with the development of obesity in children.docx by Ogbonnaya Akpara 3) Factors that are associated with the development of obesity in children by Ogbonnaya Akpara 4) Transplant Data Sets by Ogbo Akpara (Check out research gate on the latest publications, research and projects.)
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CISC 7512X HW# 3: Imagine you have a database table with columns: phoneid, time, gps_latitude, gps_longitude. Assume these records are logged approximately every few seconds for every phone. Your task is to detect speeding: Write a database query (in SQL) to find anyone whose *average* speed is between 90 and 200mph for at least a minute. If can't write SQL query, write detailed procedural speudo code (assume input is coming from a comma delimited text file). Submit code via email, with subject "CISC 7512X HW3". */ import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; class Main{ private final static String DB_TABLE_NAME = "table1" ; private final static String DB_PASSWORD = "" ; private final static String DB_USERNAME = "" ; private final static String DB_URL = "" ; private static final String DELIMITER = ";" ; public static void main(String[] args){ StringBuilder statemen...
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SQL... relational databases 2 parts... DDL, DML... DDL: create table... drop table... DML: CRUD operations, insert, rerieve, update, delete... insert/select/update/delete -- CTAs "create table as" create table blah as select a,b,c,d from soemthing; -- CTEs: common table expressions with blah as ( select a,b,c from somewhere ), glah as ( select b,c,d from somewhereelse ) select * from blah a inner join glah b using(b,c) --functions select now(); select to_char(now(),'YYYY-MM-DD') curryear; select count(*) from glah; select min(tim),max(tim) from somerecords; count, min,max,sum,stddev,avg, create table daily_return ( trade_dt date, ticker varchar(32), interest numeric(18,8) --percent return ); --- if you have daily_return, and you invested --- $10000 on 2018-01-01 in IBM, sold on --- 2018-10-01, how much profit would you have? select 10000*exp(sum(log(1+interest/100))) from daily_return where ticker='IBM' and trade_dt be...
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relational databases tuples... things like: (a,b,c,d,e,d,e,g) relations are sets of tuples select : filter tuples based on some condition project: (a,b,c,d) => (a,c) join: (userid,name), (userid,email) => (userid,name,email) SQL : structured query language DDL: define structure: data definition language drop table blah; create table blah(blahid bigint, name varchar(50)) DML: data manipulation language CRUD: create retrieve update delete insert blah(blahid,name) values (1,'blah'); update blah set name='glah' where blahid=1; select blahid,name from blah where blahid=1; delete blah where blahid=1; drop table customer; create table customer ( custid bigint, fname varchar(20), lname varchar(20), email varchar(60), dob date, street1 varchar(50), street2 varchar(50), city varchar(50), state varchar(2), zip varchar(5) ); -- get emails of customers born after 2000. select distinct email from customer where dob>=ca...
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SQL: structured query language DDL: data defintion language create table drop table DML: data manipulation language insert update delete select functions: select a.*, concat(substr(fname,1,1),substr(lname,1,1)) as initials, from customer select now(); -- aggregates select count() from customer; select min(dob) from customer where state='NY'; -- percent of customers that are from NY select sum(case when state='NY' then 1 else 0 end)/ sum(1.0)*100 as prcnt from customer; --- CTAS create table custemailsny as select custid,fname,lname,email from customer where state='NY'; --- CTEs; common table expressions --find the oldest customers with oldestdob as ( select min(dob) mindob from customer ) select a.* from customer a inner join oldestdob b on a.dob = b.mindob ---windowing functions assign rank to customers based on age. create table custranks as select a.*, dense_rank() over (order by dob) rnk from customer; --- custevent...
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DDL data definition language drop table blah; create table blah (blahid bigint, name varchar(10)); DML data manipulation language CRUD operations: C - create: insert records R - retrieve: select records U - update: update records D - delete: delete records insert into blah(blahid,name) values (1,'blah'); insert into blah(blahid,name) values (2,'glah'); insert into blah(blahid,name) values (3,'mlah'); insert into blah values (4,'klah'); select * from blah where blahid in (2,3); update blah set name='qlah' where name='klah'; delete blah where blahid > 10; avoid update and delete: they lose data. ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- pevents(eid,typ,tim,empid,oid,topping,crust,price,size,custid) ---customer orders pizza: insert into pevents(eid,typ,tim,empid,oid,topping,crust,price,size,custid) values(1,'order',now(),null,2332,'cheese','thin',5.99,'...
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#include <iostream> #include <cstdlib> #include <cmath> #include <fstream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> using namespace std; const int size=100; struct studentData { string studentFirstName; //stores student's first name string studentLastname; //stores student's last name int examGrade; //stores student's exam grades char letterGrade; //stores student's letter grade }; studentData student [size]; //sets an array called student of the type StudentData void getData (int listSize, studentData sList [], ifstream &); void calculatedGrade (studentData sList[], int listSize); int highestScore (const studentData slist[], int listSize); void printStudentNameResult (const studentData sList [], int listSize); double average (studentData student[], int n); double standardDeviation (studentData students [], int n, double avg); int main () { ifstream inFile; inFile.open...
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Graph I presents an imaginary picture of how cases and non-cases distribute themselves on a screening test. Graph II presents a realistic picture of how cases and non-cases distribute themselves on a screening test. What’s the difference between Graph I and Graph II? In Graph I cases and non-cases never receive the same screening test scores. All cases score 7 or above and all non-cases receive scores below 7. Thus, selecting a cutpoint of 7 as the criterion of positivity means every case will be scored + and every non-case will be scored -. Since all cases will be scored +, the sensitivity of the test will be 100%. And since all non-cases will be scored -, the specificity of the test will also be 100%. In Graph II, however, there is overlap between the cases and non-cases regarding the screening test scores. Overlap means that some cases and some non-cases receive the same scores on the screening test. Specifically, on this screening test some cases score between 5 - ...
Stigma and mental illness By Iheanyichukwu Akpara Co-author: Ogbonnaya Akpara Brooklyn College
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Stigma and mental illness By Iheanyichukwu Akpara Co-author: Ogbonnaya Akpara Brooklyn College The purpose of this research paper is to talk about stigma and mental illness. This research paper will further discuss the development of stigma of mentally ill people, the definition of mental illness and stigma, theories of stigma, the stigma process, effects of stigma, improving clinician training to minimize stigma. The final part of my research paper will discuss how people as a whole can modify or change the public stigma through protest, education, contact and research specifically in regards to community based participatory research (CPBR). Stigma is one of the hardest and toughest characteristics of modern society. Stigma is defined as the shame that most people have which they have no control over. It stops them from seeking support which leads to isolation. Mental illness affects the way you think, your behavior and what your m...
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#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <time.h> #include <cstdlib> using namespace std; struct Players { string firstName; string lastName; int token_space; }; void displayRules(); void play(int board [], int cards [], Players & player1, Players & player2); void takeTurn(Players & player1, Players & player2, int cards [], int board [], int &available, Players& player); void showState(Players & player1, Players & player2); void switchPlaces(Players & player1, Players & player2, int board [], Players& player); bool gameOver (Players & player1, Players & player2); void shuffleCards (int cards[], int n); void getPlayerInformation(Players& player1, Players& player2); void findFirstPlayer(Players& player1, Players& player2, Players& firstPlayer, Players& secondPlayer); bool gameNotOver(Players& firstPlayer, Players& secon...