#include <iostream> using namespace std; class gradeRecord { private: string studentID; int units; int gradePoints; public: gradeRecord() { this->studentID; this->units; this->gradePoints; } void updateGradeInfo(int unitsValue, int gradeNum){ units += unitsValue; gradepts += gradeNum; } int gpa() { return gpa; } void writeGradeInfo() { cout <<"What is your student id?" << endl; cin >> studentID; cout <<"What is the units?" << endl; cin >> units; cout <<"What is the grade points?" << endl; cin >> gradePoints; cout <<"What is your gpa?" << endl; cin >> gpa; } int main () { updateGradeInfo(); gradeRecord(); writeGradeInfo(); gpa(); return 0; } };
Brooklyn Campus Library - LIU, LLC x Ogbonnayajrakpara, LLC
After BCLC HQ, LLC severed ties with OGBONNAYAJRAKPARA, LLC, Brooklyn Campus Library - LIU, LLC gained a new partnership with OGBONNAYAJRAKPARA, LLC. I am pleased and honored that we are doing business together and we will revolutionize the business industry.
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