SQL: structured query language DDL: data defintion language create table drop table DML: data manipulation language insert update delete select functions: select a.*, concat(substr(fname,1,1),substr(lname,1,1)) as initials, from customer select now(); -- aggregates select count() from customer; select min(dob) from customer where state='NY'; -- percent of customers that are from NY select sum(case when state='NY' then 1 else 0 end)/ sum(1.0)*100 as prcnt from customer; --- CTAS create table custemailsny as select custid,fname,lname,email from customer where state='NY'; --- CTEs; common table expressions --find the oldest customers with oldestdob as ( select min(dob) mindob from customer ) select a.* from customer a inner join oldestdob b on a.dob = b.mindob ---windowing functions assign rank to customers based on age. create table custranks as select a.*, dense_rank() over (order by dob) rnk from customer; --- custevent(eventid,custid,type,itemid) ---when a cusetomer purchases something, ---what's the probability that they were ---viewing another item (previous event). with custeventlag as ( select a.*, lag(type) over (partition by custid order by eventid) last_type, lag(itemid) over (partition by custid order by eventid) last_itemid from custevent ) select sum(case when last_type='VIEW' and last_itemid!=itemid then 1 else 0 end) / sum(1.0) as problty from custeventlag a where a.type='PURCHASE' -------------------------------------------- --- ride sharing company. car(carid,fname,lname,lic) cust(custid,fname,lname) request(requestid,tim,custid,addressfrom,addressto) reqcar(requestid,tim,carid) pickup(tim,carid,custid) dropoff(tim,carid,custid) ---When did John Doe request a car? select b.tim from cust a inner join request b on a.custid=b.custid where lname='Doe' and fname='John' order by tim desc; John Doe's last trip, how long did it last? with pandd as ( select a.*,'P' t from pickup union all select a.*, 'D' t from dropoff ), johndoeevents as ( select a.*, lead(tim) over (partition by custid order by tim) next_tim from pandd a inner join cust b on a.custid=b.custid where b.lname='Doe' and b.fname='John' ), tims as ( select a.*, coalesce(next_tim,now()) - tim as len, row_number() over (order by tim desc) rn from johndoeevents where t='P' ) select * from tims where rn=1 - car(carid,fname,lname,lic,seats) cust(custid,fname,lname) request(requestid,tim,custid,addressfrom,addressto) reqcar(requestid,tim,carid) pickup(tim,carid,custid) dropoff(tim,carid,custid) - Did John Doe ever share a ride with Jane Johnson? with custids as ( select custid,fname,lname from cust where (lname='Doe' and fname='John') or (lname='Johnson' and fname='Jane') ), pandd as ( select a.*,'P' t from pickup natural inner join custids union all select a.*, 'D' t from dropoff natural inner join custids ), custcnt as ( select a.*, sum(case when t='P' and fname='John' and lname='Doe' then 1 when t='D' and fname='John' and lname='Doe' then -1 else 0 ) over (partition by carid order by tim) johncnt, sum(case when t='P' and fname='Jane' and lname='Johnson' then 1 when t='D' and fname='Jane' and lname='Johnson' then -1 else 0 ) over (partition by carid order by tim) janecnt from pandd a ) select count(*) from custcnt where johncnt>0 and janecnt>0 car(carid,fname,lname,lic,seats) cust(custid,fname,lname) request(requestid,tim,custid,addressfrom,addressto) reqcar(requestid,tim,carid) pickup(tim,carid,custid) dropoff(tim,carid,custid) --what's the average wait time between request and pickup? with events as ( select a.tim,a.custid,b.carid,'R' as event_type_cd from request a inner join reqcar b union all select tim,custid,carid, 'P' as event_type_cd ), lagtim as ( select a.*, lag(tim) over (partition by carid,custid order by tim) lag_tim from events ) select avg(tim - lag_tim) from lagtim where event_type_cd='P' ---what's the license place of the car for request=1234? select c.lic from reqcar a inner join car c on a.carid=c.carid where requestid=1234 ---what's the maximum number of passengers that ---were ever picked up? with pandd as ( select a.*,'P' t from pickup a union all select a.*, 'D' t from dropoff a ), rtot as ( select a.*, sum(case when t='P' then 1 when t='D' then -1 else 0 end) over (partition by carid order by tim) tot from pandd a ) select max(tot) from rtot --assume we have: dist(gps1,gps2) car(carid,fname,lname,lic,seats) cust(custid,fname,lname) request(requestid,tim,custid,addressfrom,addressto,custgpsx,custgpsy) reqcar(requestid,tim,carid) pickup(tim,carid,custid,gpsx,gpsy) dropoff(tim,carid,custid,gpsx,gpsy) carloc(locid,tim,carid,gpsx,gpsx) ---find cars within 5 minutes of customer request --- (speed limit 25mph, so ~1.5miles?) select * from request r inner join carloc b on r.tim < b.tim and r.tim+10min >= b.tim and dist(custgpsx,custgpsy,b.gpsx,b.gpsy)<1.5 --- with req1 as ( select a.*, cast(floor(tim / 10min) as int) as btim, cast(floor(custgpsx / 1mile) as int) as bx, cast(floor(custgpsy / 1mile) as int) as by from request a ), car1 as ( select a.*, cast(floor(tim / 10min) as int) as btim, cast(floor(gpsx / 1mile) as int) as bx, cast(floor(gpsy / 1mile) as int) as by from carloc a ), adjbuckets as ( select tim,custid,custgpsx,custgpsy, bx,by from req1 union all select tim,custid,custgpsx,custgpsy, bx,by+1 from req1 union all select tim,custid,custgpsx,custgpsy, bx+1,by from req1 union all select tim,custid,custgpsx,custgpsy, bx+1,by+1 from req1 union all select tim,custid,custgpsx,custgpsy, bx,by-1 from req1 union all select tim,custid,custgpsx,custgpsy, bx-1,by from req1 union all select tim,custid,custgpsx,custgpsy, bx-1,by-1 from req1 union all select tim,custid,custgpsx,custgpsy, bx-1,by+1 from req1 union all select tim,custid,custgpsx,custgpsy, bx+1,by-1 from req1 union all ) select ... from car1 a inner join adjbuckets b where a.bx=b.bx and a.by=b.by and --bucket join and dist(custgpsx,custgpsy,b.gpsx,b.gpsy)<1.5
Brooklyn Campus Library - LIU, LLC x Ogbonnayajrakpara, LLC
After BCLC HQ, LLC severed ties with OGBONNAYAJRAKPARA, LLC, Brooklyn Campus Library - LIU, LLC gained a new partnership with OGBONNAYAJRAKPARA, LLC. I am pleased and honored that we are doing business together and we will revolutionize the business industry.
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