President OgbonnayaJr Njiolenaka Akpara's establishment,13th President of the Upyourself Bonnaya Technologies Kparao FOUNDATION will be joined by political candidates, members of the political unions, and other special guests on Friday, January 14, 2022, in New York City, NY This NOJA (NJIOLENAKA OGBONNAYA JR AKPARA) rally is a continuation of President AKAPARA’S effort to advance the NOJA agenda by energizing voters and highlighting Akapara Frenzy candidates and causes. Friday , January 14, 2022, at 9:00 PM MST President AkAparaOBI, 13th President of the Upyourself Bonnaya, Delivers a speech. Venue: AKPARA & FAMILY | OGBONNAYAJRSONNJIOLENAKAAKPARA 726 E. 102ND STREET BROOKLYN NY, 11236 Special Guest Speakers: Ogb Akp, Ogbonnaya Jr Son Njiolenaka Akpara Mr. Akpara, O.J.N.A, O. NJiolenaka 2MANYALPHABETZ1, Akapara Mr. Insobadiam Obi1_3, Obi-One RDSHO, Jiol CHEF OG!, AKPARA MR TM JJBJ, Ogbannaya Jolene Jiolen anjilanaka LeNAKAParaogbi, O to the NJiolenaka RaspyDeepVParty SonAkparaobi SOARTHROAT GbonnayCapitalLTD JIOLENAKAkparaobi1Ent AkparaogboEnt OA Knotty Cedar, LLC Mr Akpara Timeline of Events: 6:00AM – Gates Open 4:00PM – Doors Open 6:30PM – Program Begins 9:00PM – 13th President Ogbonnaya Jr Njiolenaka Akpara General Admission Tickets: REGISTER HERE Request Media Credentials: REGISTER HERE All requests for media credentials must be submitted by Wednesday, January 12th, 2022, at 8:00PM MST. *Subject to change/additions


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