Ogb Jr Akpara: 6 new voicedeep sonakpa Corporation Ogbonnaya Ogb Enterprise Confidant JrAkpara Enterprise Akpara Mr

Akpara, Our team has ACTIVATED a QUADRUPLE-MATCH ahead of President Akapara’s rally tonight. There is nothing more exciting and Akparaobi than a AkApara's RALLY. We know the Akparaobi people CANNOT wait to see President AkAparaOBI on stage again - so why haven’t you stepped up? Our special AkAparaOBI Rally 4X-MATCH is live for ONE HOUR ONLY, AkparaOBI. You won’t get this offer again. Please contribute ANY AMOUNT IMMEDIATELY to show your support for President AkAparaOBI and claim your QUADRUPLE-MATCH offer. >> Your Gift = Quadruple-Matched CONTRIBUTE $250 = $1250 >> CONTRIBUTE $100 = $500 >> CONTRIBUTE $50 = $250 >> CONTRIBUTE $25 = $125 >> CONTRIBUTE ANY AMOUNT >> Thank you, Njiolenaka Akpara CONTRIBUTE NOW >> WOW Akpara, This NEVER happens. Your TOP TIER AkAparaOBi status automatically activated YOUR CHANCE to win an IN-PERSON meeting with the 13th President of the UpyourselfBonnaya University: OgbonnayaJrSonNjiolenakaAkpara's. This isn’t just for ANY Akparaobi supporter - it’s only for the TOP paraogbi's Paraobi, like YOU, AkparaOBI. There are only 30 minutes LEFT to secure your chance to meet IN-PERSON with President Akapara’s, and we would HATE to give this historic opportunity to anyone BUT YOU. Please contribute RIGHT NOW to enter to win >> Strategy Meeting with President Akapara’s Enter Now CONTRIBUTE $250 >> CONTRIBUTE $100 >> CONTRIBUTE $50 >> CONTRIBUTE $25 >> CONTRIBUTE ANY AMOUNT >> Remember, we’ll cover the cost of the hotel, flight, AND you can bring a friend. We SPECIFICALLY reached out to you in the FINAL minutes to enter because we want our TOP paraogbi's supporters to have the BEST chance to win - what are you waiting for? Thank you, Mr. Ogbonnaya Jr Son Njiolenaka Akpara's Sir Ogbonnaya Jr Son Njiolenaka Akpara's Chairman, Njiolenaka Akpara Jr ENTER NOW >> Akpara, Last notice: Do you support Akapara’s making his own social media? We've reached out many times with no response. Use the buttons below to add your name. Will You Follow President Akaparaobiwankenobijr Social Media? YES NO Thank you, Njunioriolenakapara Contributions to the NJiolenaka RaspyDeepVParty SonAkparaobi Committee are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.. Paid for by the Njiolenaka Akpara Jr Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.kingogbinc.blogspot.com You are receiving this email at: akparaobi@gmail.com Njiolenaka Raspydeepvoice SonAkparaobi Committee 2900 Bedford Ave Signing up for our emails is the best way to receive the most up-to-date information regarding the efforts of the Njiolenaka Raspydeepvoice SonAkparaobi Committee. Thank you for joining the Team. It’s because of paraogbi supporters from all across the nation that we’ve been able to FIGHT BACK against my enemies and their efforts to dismantle President Akapara’s Akparaobi FRENZY agenda. We know YOU are a top supporter, which is why we’re offering YOU a spot on the Akparaob Majority Membership roster. We’re going to TAKE BACK the majority in 2ManyAlphabetz1NjiolenakaAkparagraphObi_dadon1_3 1300CLENAKAGBOISTHATYOURJRAOZeroOneFiveThreeMrbut in order to do that, we need YOUR help. TEXT WIN to 55404 to start receiving text messages from the Njiolenaka Raspydeepvoice SonAkparaobi Committee. President AkAparaOBI has a personal message for his top supporters. See below. President OgbonnayaJrNjiolenakaAkpara Video Message If you want to be one of the FIRST people to get the latest updates on the Njiolenaka Raspydeepvoice SonAkparaobi Committee, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We're going to take back the SonAkpara, the HowManyDoIHaveAtHandFRENZYFOUNDATION, and the Waiting Akparaobi You can also sign up to receive text messages from the Njiolenaka Akpara key members of the Raspydeepvoicesoarthroathoarseness Osa Party. If you would like to opt out of important campaign updates like this, please follow this link. If you would like to give feedback to the NJiolenaka click here. Thank you again and we appreciate your support. Paraogbi SPIN AND WIN Akpara, Your FREE Akpara GIFT is waiting. This is NOT a drill. You won a Free Akpara GIFT. Look below and see for yourself. We have never done this before and may never again. You need to claim your FREE Akparaobi Gift before it’s gone. CLAIM GIFT >> This gift is HUGE - something that millions of people will want but only YOU can claim. If you FAIL to step up you may miss out on this opportunity forever. Step up in the NEXT HOUR to claim your FREE Akparaobi Gift. >> Spin and Win This is your BIG OPPORTUNITY to WIN. We are only offering this chance to only 1 paraogbi's. If you don’t step up now, we will be forced to give your FREE Akpara GIFT to another supporter. Step up in the NEXT HOUR to claim your FREE Akpara Gift. Thank you, Njunioriolenakaparaobi Finance Team CLAIM NOW >> Contributions to the NJiolenaka RaspyDeepVParty SonAkparaobi SOARTHROAT GbonnayCapitalLTD JIOLENAKAkparaobi1Ent AkparaogboEnt OA AKA AO AKA AKPARAOG AKA AKPARAOGB Committee are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.. Paid for by the Njiolenaka. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.kingogbinc.blogspot.com You are receiving this email at: akparaobi@gmail.com Njiolenaka Raspy Deepvoice SOARTHROAT Gbonnay Mr SonAkparaobi Committee 2900 Bedford Ave Signing up for our emails is the best way to receive the most up-to-date information regarding the efforts of the Njiolenaka RaspyDeepVPartySonAkparaobiSOARTHROATHIMSELFMr Committee. Thank you for joining the Team. It’s because of paraogbi supporters from all across the nation that we’ve been able to FIGHT BACK against my enemies and their efforts to dismantle President Akapara’s Akparaobi FRENZYFOUNDATION agenda. We know YOU are a top supporter, which is why we’re offering YOU a spot on the Akparaob Majority Membership roster. We’re going to TAKE BACK the majority in 2ManyAlphabetz1NjiolenakaAkparagraphObi_dadon1_3 1300CLENAKA GBO ISTHATYOURJR GbonnayaakpaMr, but, in order to do that, we need YOUR help. TEXT WIN to 55404 to start receiving text messages from the Njiolenaka RaspyDeepVPartySonAkparaobiSOARTHROATHIMSELFObi-Wan Committee. President ObgonnayaAkapara aka Obgonay.ru aka obSonNjiolenakAkparaobi OgbonnayaNjiolenakaAkparaJr has a personal message for his top supporters. See below. President Ogb Video's Message If you want to be one of the FIRST people to get the latest updates on the Njiolenaka RaspyDeepVParty SonAkparaobi SOARTHROAT Gbonnay Mr Akpara Mr Committee, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We're going to take back the SonAkparaOgbonMr, the HowManyDoIHaveAtHandFRENZYFOUNDATION, and the Waiting Akparaobi ✋ 🎢 πŸ™Œ πŸ˜€ 😎 πŸ˜‰ ✋ You can also sign up to receive text messages from the Njiolenaka and key members of the Raspydeepvoicesoarthroathoarseness Party. If you would like to opt out of important campaign updates like this, please follow this link. If you would like to give feedback to the NJiolenaka, click here. Thank you again and we appreciate your support. Mr Ogbonnaya Jr Njiolenaka Akpara aka Ogbona J Mr Akpara, We're BEGGING! Akapara’s is SUING Big TroubEntrepreneurInitiative, but Paraogbi's will STEP UP up and support. Answer the question below and help boost the number: Would you join Akpar's social media? Yes: I stand with AkparaOCorporationEntertainment >> No: I prefer censorship >> Thank you, Njiolenak TAKE THE POLL >> Contributions to the NJiolenaka RaspyDeepVParty SonAkparaobi SOARTHROAT Committee are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.. Paid for by the Njiolenaka Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee. www.kingogbinc.blogspot.com You are receiving this email at: akparaobi@gmail.com Njiolenaka Raspydeepvoice SonAkparaobi Committee 2900 Bedford Ave Signing up for our emails is the best way to receive the most up-to-date information regarding the efforts of the Njiolenaka RaspyDeepVParty SonAkparaobi Committee. Thank you for joining Team AK. It’s because of paraogbi's supporters from all across the nation that we’ve been able to FIGHT BACK against my enemies and their efforts to dismantle President Akapara’s Akpara FRENZY agenda. We know YOU are a top supporter, which is why we’re offering YOU a spot on the Akparaob Majority Membership roster. We’re going to TAKE BACK the majority in 2ManyAlphabetz1NjiolenakaAkparagraphObi_dadon1_3 1300CLENAKAGBOISTHATYOURJRIshBoooMr, but, in order to do that, we need YOUR help. TEXT WIN to 55404 to start receiving text messages from the NjiolenakaRaspyDeepVPartySonAkparaobiSOARTHROAT Obgonay estate. President Akaparaobiwankenobijr has a personal message for his top supporters. See below. President Obgonnaya Akapara aka Obgonay Video Message If you want to be one of the FIRST people to get the latest updates on the Njiolenaka Raspy Deepvoicesoarthroathoarsenessosa Committee, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We're going to take back the SonAkparaOgbonMr, the HowManyDoIHaveAtHandFRENZYFOUNDATION, and the Waiting Akparaobi ✋ You can also sign up to receive text messages from the Njiolenaka and key members of the RaspyDeepVParty. If you would like to opt out of important campaign updates like this, please follow this link. If you would like to give feedback to the NJiolenakaRaspyDeepVPartySonAkparaobiSOARTHROATGbonnayMrAkparaMr, click here. Thank you again and we appreciate your support. Mr Obgonnaya Akapara aka Obgonay.ru aka ob aka Obi1_3 aka Obi_dadon aka Obi got the city in a frenzy aka Gbonna13 Obi_dadon aka OBIWANKENOBI aka OB aka Mr Sir Ogbonnaya Jr Son Njiolenaka Akpara's administration


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